Rob Ford de video game

Rob Ford is waarschijnlijk de meest coole burgemeester die je voor kan stellen. Hij hangt met gangsters, rookt crack, pist in de straten en zo nu en dan spreekt hij met een Jamaicaans accent. Deze man is batshit insane en verdiend dan ook een eigen video game, die iemand gemaakt heeft en hier te spelen is. Wat moet je doen?? simpel drugs en alcohol gebruiken, agenten en pers ontwijken. Ik heb het net even zelf zitten spelen en kan je zeggen dat het is dikke fun. Dus enjoy.

Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s life is already uncomfortably similar to the main character of vice-fueled video games like Grand Theft Auto. Sure, the mayor doesn’t steal cars, but while holding office, he has partied with gang members, smoked crack, peed in the street, gotten kicked out of sporting events for being too wasted, and boasted about his oral sex skills.

So it’s not much of a stretch to see a little digital version of Ford jumping across the computer screen, soaking up crack and booze and jumping on reporters and police as public opinion plummets. This is Rob Ford: The Game, a free platformer. It’s delightful.

As the amount of crack clouds, marijuana leaves, and alcohol bottles you collect increases, you acquire party points. But if you can’t avoid the police and reporters in time, you lose points. The screen flashes with an image of Ford: you have been impeached. Unfortunately, the impeachment ending appears to be the most unrealistic part of the game; Ford’s drunken antics made news once again this past weekend, but he is continuing on with his re-election campaign with no impeachment charges on the horizon.


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