27 december is een zwarte dag voor de fans van de Star Wars films, want die dag overleed Carrie Fisher aka Princess Leia. Het heeft even geduurd, maar het autopsierapport is nu vrij gegeven en wat blijkt: Het Disney prinsesje had een shitload aan dope in haar bloed waarbij Cocaïne, Heroïne, Oxycodone en XTC genoemd worden als de illegale drugs, maar legaal slikte ze ook nog Prozac, Abilify en Lamictal.
Dus eerlijk gezegd is het niet zo heel erg vreemd dat haar lichaam dit niet meer aan kan, want op dit soort hoeveelheden dope leven sterren als de Rolling Stones. Het hele verhaal kan je overigens hier lezen.
Carrie Fisher had cocaine, methadone, heroin and ecstasy in her system when she died in December, according to an autopsy report released Monday.
The coroner’s report listed sleep apnea as the primary cause of death, with drug intake as a contributing factor. The report stated that Fisher’s family objected to a full autopsy, and coroner’s investigators had access to limited toxicology specimens. The conclusions were based on toxicology results and an external examination of Fisher’s body.
“Based on the available toxicological information, we cannot establish the significance of the multiple substances that were detected in Ms. Fisher’s blood and tissue, with regard to the cause of death,” the report states.
According to the report, Fisher may have ingested the cocaine as early as three days before the flight, adding to the uncertainty about the cause of death. The report also notes a likely exposure to heroin, which could have suppressed her breathing as she went into cardiac arrest.
In addition to the illegal drugs, Fisher was also taking Prozac, Abilify and Lamictal under prescription. She was also taking oxycodone without a prescription.